Saturday, March 28, 2015

March 28, 2015 I Found a Hidden Talent!!!!

Who knew that slow running me could be of any use out there on a long run for a speedy runner?!!!!

I was anxious and excited for today.  My good friend, Tina,  was signed up for Picked Feet 6/12/24/48 hour run today.  It takes place at Eagle Island State Park which is by my house.  It's a 2.5 mile loop that can be done in either direction.  Tina signed up for the 24 hour run that started last night at 6pm.  She ran through the night with one of our other running friends named Emily.  Tina had asked me to join her this morning to bring up her tired spirits and "pace" her for a little bit.  Usually a "pacer" is someone who has fresh legs and keeps the tired racer motivated and going to keep their desired pace up.

Anyway, I was excited and anxious for today.  I was excited to see Tina.  She has been one of my biggest supporters after Nick died.  We were friends before, but since Nick died we have become very close.  My whole family adores her.  She has been "here" and "present" in a time when other people just don't know how to deal with my grief.  She is also a huge supporter of my running and getting back to it.  I adore her.  Since she moved to Oregon, I don't get to see her.  But she was in town for the race, so I was excited to see her.  However, I was anxious to "run" with her or "pace" her.  1)  I don't run.  You have heard me say that over and over again.  2)  Even when I WAS running ( when I originally met her) I was very VERY slow and Tina is like a mountain goat and way speedy!  So I just knew I would be no good as a "pacer" and slow her down. But she insisted that I come down and do a couple of laps with her just to catch up.  So I did.

I have never been to this race.  I was training for last year's race before I ended up with back surgery.  But today I arrived and saw runners coming and going.  It was cold, windy, and clear and beautiful.  There was a line of tents and people's personal aid stations with piles of extra shoes to change into during their races.  There were family members out there to cheer on their runners.  There were runner's kids just out enjoying the park.  There was music piped up loud.  The energy was amazing.  I got there and found the finish/start/timing line and main aid station where there was pizza, fruits, candies, soups, sandwiches, bacon, and hydration stuff for the runners.  There was even a massage tent with a couple of therapists out there to work on the runners as they made their seemingly endless loops.  I stood there and waited for Tina to make her loop.  As I did, I saw several of my running friends whom I haven't seen in a very long time.  I got lots of hugs.  And I got some of "those looks" but for the most part, I was just so happy to be among this crowd again.  There is nothing like the trail running community.

Tina finally came around the corner with a huge smile and HUGE hug!!!!  She was running with Emily. They were running behind their goal time.  Emily was having IT band issues.  Tina was off her game.  They were just happy to be moving and smiling.  After they took their little break, we hit the trail.  We passed our friends and other runners with high fives and "Great jobs!".  (Man I love the running community!)  We stopped for a runner who only had a loop and  a half to finish her 100 miles and she was in so much pain.  I gave her some water to help swallow some Advil.  (Glad I could help her with that.)  And we kept walking.   When we finished our first loop, I went into "service mode".  "What can I get you, Tina?  How can I help?"  She took a bio break and I took are of refilling her water bottle.  This act, means so much to me.  Being of service is all I ever want to do, and to be able to help and support her means the world to me.

We visited.  The first loop was all about Nick and how life is going.  But the 2nd loop became about what every other conversation between friends on a trail is.  My life is so much more than just grieving for my son, and Tina knows this.  And Emily knows this.  And I LOVED visiting with them!  As it turns out, the 2 laps I did with them, did pick up their speed.  My fresh (slow) legs actually helped them pick up their speed!  Whoda' thunk!  I found a hidden talent as a pacer!!!!

I finished my 2 laps (5 measly miles) and gave them hugs goodbye.  It was a great way to start my morning!  I am so glad that I was able to give back to a woman who has given me so much in the last couple of months.

With all of that said, I woke up with a serious muscle issue in my right side/back. I thought with the walking it would walk it out.  I was seriously wrong.  By the time I was done with 5 miles, I could barely drive my car home.  By the time I got home, I could barely walk.  Tracy had to undress me so that I could take a shower. He almost had to bathe me.  I kept screaming in pain.  This is NOT what I had planned.  I need to do some seriously cleaning today!  I have taken a pain killer and a muscle relaxer and I'm sitting with a heating pad hoping it will all clear up or at least help me enough so I can start cleaning.

No matter what, I am so very happy and grateful for the start of my day and for amazing friends like Tina.  I am grateful for the running community.  And I am kicking myself for not taking pictures with Emily and Tina!  They are total rock stars!  For that matter all of my friends out there roughing it out on the flat 2.5 mile loop for HOURS on end are complete rock stars!  That is the true test of mental endurance. Amazing! And I have decided that next year I will be there!

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