Monday, March 16, 2015

March 16, 2015 Angry Momma Bear.....

and the kid isn't even mine!

I was minding my own business driving home from dropping Tracy off at work after lunch.  I was driving North on Main in Meridian and coming up to the Fairview/Cherry traffic signal.  To my left, I saw a set of moms each pushing a stroller and a young boy on a scooter.  They were walking towards the traffic signal.  I didn't give them much thought.  I reached the light, and I had a red light.  I stopped and creeped up further to see around a big pick up truck was that parked and blocking my view of the on coming traffic from the west bound side.  I was going to turn right.  I was playing close attention to the pedestrians.  Not only were there the ladies I spotted earlier (who were not in my way) but also a young woman on my right who was looking to cross the street where I wanted to turn.  So I was paying close attention to the light and looking for a break in traffic so I could turn right on red.

That is when Momma Bear jumped into action.  I was looking to my left (where the 2 moms and the boy were).  And I noticed that the little boy on his scooter was IN THE ROAD on Cherry.  He wasn't on the sidewalk.  He was IN THE ROAD.. a road that had a green light with traffic coming in his direction.  He was right beside the curb, but he was IN THE ROAD!  The two moms and the strollers were safely on the sidewalk.  There were no traffic lights protecting this boy.    He had no right of way.  He was a freaking sitting duck! One mom was on her cell phone and I have no idea what the other mom was doing, but neither of them were watching this little boy.  He got back up on the curb and I blew a sigh of relief.  Then I continued watching the traffic and saw him ride his scooter off of the curb again. He was just playing and being silly and these adult women were doing NOTHING!!!!

Thankfully, there were no cars coming in this boys direction.  Thankfully, he was "only" getting off the curb into what would be a turning lane that was not very busy.  Most importantly, thankfully, he survived this trip (from what I could see).  A 5 year old boy a bike on this very road was hit by a car last summer.  This is a very busy and dangerous road, and these two women were not watching this little boy!

As I turned on my red light and headed home, I felt rage fill my heart.  How could 2 women.. 2 MOMS completely ignore what this little boy was doing on one of the most dangerous roads in the treasure valley?  How could they take this little boys life for granted??????  Don't they know that mom's lose their sons?  Don't they know there are no guarantees in life.. even when you are acting your safest, there is no guarantee other people are and accidents wont happen?  These women were negligent!  I wanted so desperately to turn my car back around and give these 2 women a lecture they would not soon forget.  But it's probably a good thing I didn't.  I am pretty certain given the cycle of the month, I would have found myself in jail for assaulting two very careless moms.   Maybe the lawyer could have claimed a crime of passion?  Or maybe temporary insanity due to my grief?

I don't know.

This is what I DO know.  Moms, please pay attention to what your young children are doing.  I know its easy to get distracted by the phone. I know its easy to get distracted when you have more than one child to divide your attention.  I also know how easy it is to think, "not my child" but I am here to tell you... IT CAN BE YOUR CHILD!!!!!!!  You don't have to be a helicopter parent. You don't have to wrap them in bubble wrap, but when you are on a busy road that is known to be dangerous, please be extra vigilant!

My heart is breaking...because it was my very conscientious adult child and the thought that someone can take their child's life for granted......*sigh*

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