Sunday, March 1, 2015

February 28, 2015 February Went Out With A Bang!!!

Or a shimmy......

Saturday, the last day of February 2015.  This day will  never happen again in my life time...or yours... So how do you spend it?

The alarm clock was set for 9am, but we managed to wake up at 7 something and spent some quality time with each other.  That rarely happens.  Usually we just sleep until the alarm clock goes off.  I guess we were just so relaxed from last night's hot springs date (which, by the way, was the most relaxed I have felt since before we started the house buying process back last summer!)  There is something so relaxing about hot springs in the mountains at sunset!

Anyway,  here we are with the last Saturday of the month. Originally, I had plans to go out with a guy friend of mine on Saturday night.  I was excited cause I have not seen him in a very long time.  We have been trying to get together for a couple of months, but life just doesn't work out that way.  And for the first time, we actually planned ahead and made a date.  But when I sent him a message to confirm our plans, he had to cancel due to emergency family obligations.  *sigh*  I was a bit heart broken.  But moving on....

Omi and I had dress rehearsal for our belly dance performance next week.  The studio was filled with jingly goodness  Women all dressed up in their finest belly dance garb.  Gorgeous, strong women...filled with laughter and a passion for dance! I know I have said this before, but I absolutely adore this dance we are working on!  And it is so much fun to dance this with everyone.  The excitement for our trip to Salt Lake City next weekend is palpable!  It is going to be so much fun!!!

Then it was off to voice lessons for Omi.  Like usual, we made stopped for bagels for breakfast before her lessons.  She went off to lessons and we went to Bandanna Running Store and Tracy found the perfect pair of shoes.  He was very excited.  It was too cute to see him excited about his new kicks.  And then as we walked back to the car, our friend Kristina asked if we wanted to join her at the comedy club last night.  YES!!!  We could use some laughter in our lives!  And we haven't hung out with Kristina since Nick's accident.  (Tracy has, but I haven't.)

We asked Mishi to join us.. and we had a big plan for going out!

We went straight home after voice lessons and took a nap  Seriously. I never nap. But I slept.  I have had more naps this week than I have in a very long time. I also woke up with a crazy headache that I managed to have all morning and no amount of caffeine, Advil or sleep was taking care of it.  *sigh*  We turned on the music at a quiet level, I took some major pills and started to clean and get ready for going out.  I guess my headache finally stopped because, I hadn't noticed it after a while.

All dressed up, we headed out with Kristina. Since Mishi, misread the plans, she could not make the comedy club and now we had extra time on our hands.  Off to pizza we went.  Kris started asking us the usual questions.. "So how are you doing after Nick's death."  I really don't like that question, but I understand where it comes from.  She is concerned.  We haven't seen her since the accident. She loves us.  I get it.  So there we were, on a night out where we would rather not talk about this stuff, and now we were talking about it. It went well. I mean really, how do you answer those kinds of questions. We are doing the best we can do. We are doing much better since the sweat lodge.  So I guess that question gave us a moment to reflect on how well we seem to be doing in the last week.  This is a good thing.  But I guarantee you, we changed the subject as soon as we could.  *laugh*

The comedy club was fun.  We laughed and drank.  And Mishi texted us and asked us to meet her at Humpin' Hannah's to go dancing.  Comedy was over at 945 or so and off we went to dance.  I thought we were just gonna go for a couple of drinks.  We ended up drinking and dancing and having a great time. I have not danced like that in I can't even remember how long.  Kris and I used to go out dancing and wreaking havoc on Boise all the time.  I miss those days. But last night we went out and reconnected with our younger days.  In the 12 years I have known Mishi, we have NEVER been out dancing together.  That was fun.  Both Kris and Mishi are completely different kind of dancers and I had such a great time with both of them.  Of course, Tracy joined us out there on the dance floor.  And Mishi was there with 2 other girlfriends of hers, and they were tons of fun.  In the end, we all ended up winning drinks for most enthusiasm on the dance floor and Mishi and I won sex toys that we both left on the table at the bar.  *laugh*  At the end of the night, I took off my heals and walked back to our car, through downtown Boise, barefooted on the cold cement. It felt amazing!  My toes were very sore!

It was a great night.. and certainly one that I needed!

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