Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015 A Start And An End To The Day

Yes, I realize we always have a start to a day and an end to a day, but today's book ends seem to be rather polarizing.

First of all, I only got 4 hours sleep last night. So waking up this morning was harsh.  But once I got Omi to school, Suzy and I took off to hike Table Rock.  I have not done that hike in nearly 2 years. And this is certainly the toughest climb I have done since back surgery.  That hike kicked my ass, However, Suzy was like a gazelle!  I had no idea Suzy had not hiked that until today. She was a champ! I made it up rather slowly, but hey! I made it!  It was a good reminder of how out of shape I truly have become; yet, there I was fighting my way for every step towards progress. It was a beautiful sun shiny day. Then the bitter cold wind kicked in. BRRRRRR!!!!!

The middle part of the day was filled with lunch with Suzy and Tracy at Flatbread Pizza (a new place for Suzy). Wine at lunch felt rather decadent!  

Then it was home to rehearse my burlesque and belly dance performances and to find a song for an upcoming burlesque routine that will happen on March 22.  Speaking of which, I was informed last night at like 11pm just before I was closing my eyes for sleep that I would be performing on March 22nd.  When I had suggested the idea on line, I was just kinda throwing it out there.  I had no real intent behind the thought.  But then all of a sudden, I am being asked if I wanted to do it.  That immediately started the wheels in my brain turning!  I need to find a song. I need to choreograph.  I need... I need......  Ya.. that is what I only got 4 hours sleep last night.  Anyway, I think I got the song nailed down and I will start choreo after I perform my current routine on this Sunday.

Tonight we had Naomi's spring choir concert. I have no idea what happened, but she fell into a full on panic attack. I tried to talk her through it via texting, but it didn't work.  I have never seen her have such a melt down in public and at a choir concert (something she loves). I saw her shoulders shaking and quivering as she cried.  My heart broke.  There is nothing I could do for her. Nothing.  As soon as the concert was over, I found her and hugged her while she cried.  Even crying, she is stunningly beautiful.  But ugh..my heart breaks for her.  I wish I knew what triggers these things for her. I wish I knew how to make things better for her.  As a mom, there is no more helpless feeling than watching your child hurting and not knowing how to help them.

Anyway.. two extremes in the day... It happens.

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