Friday, February 27, 2015

February 26, 2015.... You Know It's Going To Be One Of Those Days When......

You have been wearing a shirt all morning, but at lunch, you look down and realize you are wearing our husband's tshirt instead of the race shirt you thought you put on!  DOH!  But hey! At least I was comfortable and I looked cute!

Seriously. Yesterday I woke up feeling great.  After giving my back some rest, I decided I needed to set up my make shift dance studio and get out my costume and rehearse for burlesque.  I needed to work on that floor routine part and make sure I remembered my choreo that I had created a couple of days ago.  Nate was still sleeping.  Suzy was still sleeping.  The house was quiet. It was a perfect time to get this done.  

I got it all set up, and I practiced a couple of times. My floor routine started to feel much better, but I still feel awkward in the transition from floor to standing.  (Gotta get that figured out).  And just as I was finished (meaning, all I was wearing was my bedlah bra and hip scarf and panties) when Nate came out. *laugh*  Yes, I'm certain that my 22 year old son loves coming out of the bedroom to see his mom dancing in something a little bit more than a bikini.    At least he thinks my Isis wings are amazing!  For that matter, poor Suzy has gotten whacked with my Isis wings a time or two while trying to pass by me to get to the kitchen while I am practicing.  My "dance studio" is in the walk way from the living room to the kitchen...*snicker*

After I was done rehearsing I invited Nate and Suzy to run downtown to Crazy Neighbor (to find some pretty sparklies for belly dance) and to lunch at Deli G (every one's favorite lunch spot).  We hit food first, and it hit the spot. Pure yumminess.  Then it was off to shop for sparklies at Crazy Neighbor.  I love that store!  It's filled with amazing dance goodness as well as some other fun and quirky things.  Nate fell in love the male section of the store.  He loved the wigs in the back of the store.  Everyone was trying on things.  It was a grand adventure and play time!  I had forgotten how much Nate loves to dress up and be silly.  

I also managed to get my the power and water to my mom's old house terminated.  Yay!  She got her homeowners insurance cancelled. And now we are free of a house in Florida that was eating a hole in every one's pocket!  Yay!!!!!  

Over all, I had a pretty great day and it was followed by a bitch and stitch with my burlesque family.  I can't really say sisters cause Joey was there.  *laugh*  We had a great time getting caught up with each other personally as well as working on projects, getting tips for costuming and even getting tips on performing. No matter where we are in game of burlesque we all have something to teach each other, and its amazing to see everyone open to ideas and growth experiences.  I love how the burlesque community supports each other....male, female, or otherwise.  The diversity, the creativity, the acceptance...its amazing.

While we sat and visited, I realized that one of the newbies to burlesque was friends with Nick in junior high. I thought she looked familiar and her name sounded familiar. But I wasn't entirely certain. She wasn't someone Nick hung around with all the time.  But it was someone he knew and was friends with way back then.  I do not know if she knew Nick had died.  But she does now.  We talked about Nick last night and thanks to visiting with her and the conversation I was able to remember some more about Nick.  It was bitter sweet. 

I am very grateful to be able to share a stage with people that Nick knew.  Partly cause I get to remember Nick. And partly because I'm freakin' 46 years old (well almost) and I get to shake it with the 20 somethings! *laugh*  Another beautiful part of burlesque (and belly dancing). No matter what your age is, accepting yourself and your body is an amazing experience!

Fun times last night!  Seriously! 

Then I came home and went straight to bed only to have a gut punch memory as I drifted off to sleep.  I almost got up to blog right then, but decided I would remember and blog the next day. Well, its the next day (and this blog is late) and I have forgotten.  *laugh*  DOH!

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