Thursday, April 9, 2015

April 9, 2015 Mountain Therapy

Today is such a beautiful day!!!!

Suzy and I headed out to hike.  I gave her a couple of choices for a 6 mile route.  She chose Corrals which I have not been on since...uhhh......before I started training for the Foot Hills Frenzy in 2013!  That's a long time!  It's been nearly 2 years since I have taken that trail.  Can that be accurate?  Seems crazy to me.

Anyway, once again, I knew it was going to be up hill, but lord oh mighty!  I didn't realize how much climbing there was in the first mile!    I was huffing and puffing like a 70 year old smoker who's been smoking 4 packs a day since she was 10!  Thank god for the down hills!  Doing that trail today reminded me of when I first started climbing.  I am so out of shape.  However, I am out there doing it, and I know that it will only get better.  Nothing is going to stop me from eating mountains for breakfast again!

On the way up to the summit (or rock choose what to call it), we pretty much had the trail to ourselves.  We came across a couple of people, but it was very quiet.  The stream was running and you could hear the water flowing.  We caught glimpses of little tiny water falls in the stream.  On one side of the canyon the grass was green, but on the other side it was brown and dry but it had flowers!  Crazy!  We stood there for a while looking at that and scratching our head.  Nature is a beautiful and mysterious thing.

It's been a couple of weeks since Suzy and I have been on a hike together or done anything alone.  I have missed hanging out with her.  It was great to hike and visit and talk about life as we know it.  I am happy that she has a beau that makes her happy and that she can make plans with and do things with.  We talked about her plans for the future and what she might like to end up doing and job changes and things.  It's fun to have these conversations with her.  It is always fun to hike and laugh with her and watch her kick my ass on the up hill trails!  I stopped and grabbed a couple of pictures on our hike today.  It was just so pretty up there.  I love spring in the foothills.  Suzy was admiring the pretty green and then said.. I can't wait till summer.  I about died.  "Whattttt????  You want it to be hotter than hell????"  She just wants to wear shorts and get some color on her legs. *laugh*  All I could think about was how early I would have to get up to go hiking cause I don't hike in the extreme heat and beating down sun!

I'm really glad Suzy chose Corrals today. It was a challenging hike.  It was definitely more challenging than the other hikes I had in mind (but then again, my memory can be a bit fuzzy when it comes to these things).

On our way down the mountain we ran into tons of mountain bikers.  I have no idea where they all came from, but boy were there alot. I think some club or something must have hit the trail.  They all greeted us warmly, but I think one of them (with a gorgeous smile) really wanted to stop and flirt with Suzy some.  *laugh*  We were almost down when Suzy offered to take us to lunch at Deli G.. which incidentally I had been thinking about on the way UP the mountain.  *laugh*  Suzy and I tend to do that.. get in each other's head.  And we also had plans to hit up Subspace to check out corsets for her.  So our little hiking adventure was turning into a full blown girl's day with my favorite daughter in love!   Yay!!!!

We finished the 6.33 mile hike in 2 hours and 12 minutes.. a 20:51 pace for climbing and taking pictures without hitting pause (except for up at the top).  I'll take it!  That is the fastest hike I have done in a while!  Woohooo!!! No wonder I was huffing and puffing!

Knowing we were heading to Deli G for lunch, my mind started racing. What am I going to eat and stay on my eating plan?  They have salads, but will I be strong enough to resist the yummy gourmet sandwiches, delicious homemade cookies, and chips?  Would I find myself "rationalizing" my way to foods that I know are not the best choices for my goals?  To top it off.. I was FREEZING and my favorite sandwich was HOT and the salad is COLD and there is no soup option.  With a deep breath, I ordered one of my favorite salads there (stuffed avocado chicken salad).  OMG yummy!!!  Yes, the mayo in the chicken salad was filled with fat.  Yes, the avocado is major points on WW, but in the grand scheme of things, this salad was a much better option than my favorite sandwich cookies and chips.  Especially after yesterday's ice cream cone and Boise Fry Company.  *laugh*  I am very proud of myself for making good choices today, when it could have been so much easier to choose other wise.  In the book I am reading right now, it says (and I'm paraphrasing), "It is easy to make the right choices to help you reach your goal.  The challenge: it is also just as easy to make the other choices that keep you from your goals."  It's all about what is valuable to you; what your personal philosophy is, and your attitude.  Today, what was more valuable to me than an amazing cookie was the health I am gaining and I will only gain that health by making good choices :).  Cookies are good sometimes, but I splurged yesterday. Today, I stay on plan.

Once are tummies were satisfied with amazing goodness, we headed to Subspace to look around.  I feel bad.  I feel like that store owners see me and go.. "There is time wasted." I LOVE that store and LOVE sharing it with other people.  But I rarely buy anything.  1)  I don't fit in most of their clothing.  2)  The pricing there is pretty crazy.  3)  What they sell there is *almost* (if not downright) costume and I don't have a reason to spend that much money on something I am not going to wear any time soon.  *laugh*    With that said, I did find an amazing under bust corset that is PERFECT for the Ren Faire we are belly dancing in.  I actually think it will match a skirt I already own, perfectly.  *sigh*  You see where this is going, right?????  Ya, me too.  Lord help me and the bank account!

Today was an amazing day.  By the time we got home, I was all kinds of smiles.  Mountain therapy, sunshine, amazing food, window shopping and quality time with Susan.  These are the days that really make me smile.  It's the experiences in life that make us rich and today I feel like a millionaire!!!

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