Monday, February 24, 2014

Rockin' to Show Tunes Out In the Sunshine!!!

 Good thing no one was around to hear my glorious singing (or yodeling as the case may have been).

Today was such a GORGEOUS day in Boise, Idaho!  Since my hubby is injured (yes, we have a knack for being injured at or near the same times) he could not drive himself to work.  He was only planning on staying until lunch. I took that time to visit Eagle Island State Park and take advantage of such a glorious day!  The sun was shining.  It was just fabulous!!!

Since I injured my back on January 1st, I have not done much exercise.  My walking has been relegated to "gentle strolls" on the tread mill and possibly outside, but not far, that is for certain.  I have been able to do some weights too, but nothing major.  When I first started walking, it was a 30 minute per mile pace.   I was so sad, but at least I was doing it.  I have been on the treadmill a couple of times and have done just a mile at time or 30 minutes at a time, and gotten my pace down to 20 minutes per mile.  That was better.  That was my *slow* pace for hiking up crazy steep climbs in the mountains.  But it certainly beat 30 minutes per mile!

Today, out in the sunshine on a dirt road with uneven terrain, while texting and emailing, I did about 6 miles at a 19:39 pace.  If I hadn't stopped to take pictures and if I had stopped emailing and texting while walking, this pace would have been faster, but I needed to keep myself in check anyway.  This was the longest and fastest I have gone since my back injury.  So far, I feel pretty good; though there is a part of my back that needs some attention.  I think I need an adjustment, but I'm afraid to do that until after I see a surgeon to get cleared.

It truly was a beautiful day, and I have missed the trails so badly.  I am just not a gym girl.  I belong outside running in the mountains or riding my bike on the greenbelt or country roads.  Seriously.  I also realized just how much I miss my belly dancing.  I want my life back.  I want to be able to dance.  I don't need to be able to run, but I want to hike the mountains without fear.  I want to ride my bike without fear and I NEED TO DANCE!  *laugh*  Little by little.  I'm getting there!  And I'm seriously grateful for the time I got to enjoy out in the sun today!

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