Tuesday, May 5, 2015

May 5, 2015 Well I Didn't Cry This Time....

...and it's not even birthday!

No seriously, today has been much better.  I guess waking up to the news that FIT had our last (missing) ticket was a great way to start the day.  Nate picked up his car today and that is great news, too.  Then there was the 3# loss for the week.  Woohooo!!!

But with all of that said, I was in excruciating pain.  I tried going to the Chiro this morning but they didn't open till 2.  By the time 2 O'clock came around I was almost in tears.  What the heck could I have one to my back THIS TIME to make it hurt so badly?  Anyway, I finally got in to see the guy.

He came into the examination room and started talking to me. I told him that I was leaving for Florida on Thursday so I really needed to feel better.  He asked if I had family in Florida.  (This is where I should have probably started crying....)  I told him what had happened.  He was very compassionate and then asked me if I thought my back issues could be caused from this stress.  "Yes."  He was very sweet.  Talked to me about my running and race  history  and my dancing and he knows my back surgeon.  *laugh*  So ya...  He was very nice.  But more importantly, I told him what happened with Nick and why we were going to Florida and I didn't even cry!

Then I went out to make my payment, and after they took my money (I told them I hadn't met my deductible this year and they hadn't been able to verify my insurance) the lady goes.. "Oh.... You have met it. Your family deductible is met."  Huh.  Nick's accident was in November and nothing MAJOR has happened since then.  The only thing that has been happening is therapist appointments for Omi and allergy stuff for Tracy and some med checks for the rest of the family or colds or whatever.  So I ended up telling the front desk staff about Nick's accident.  And they got all.. "I'm so sorry." on me.  I told them..it was okay..they didn't have to apologize unless they were 83 year old women living in Florida named Michaleen Blair.  Hmm.. I think maybe I might have had some bitterness to my voice when I said that.  But I didn't cry.  It was more.. "This is a fact of life but it isn't going to control me."  I walked out and almost felt empowered.  That is weird to say.

Anyway, my back took well to the adjustment.  I am going back tomorrow.  Ice is my friend.  And I'm going to belly dance tonight.   Oh ya.. and my mommy called and invited me to lunch tomorrow for my birthday. I was going to invite her out to dinner tomorrow night for mom's day.  LOL.  Guess we will have to fight over the check!

Here's to my back being well enough for Florida!

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