In the last 2 weeks, I have had 1 bikini top and 1 bra blow out their under wires. I have had one of my favorite pairs of capris rip a hole in the rear end. And just this morning as I picked up my running shoes to hit the trails for a run, I noticed that they had a hole in them! My shoes were bought in May and only have 154 miles on them!
There is only one explanation for my wardrobe blow outs. My energy does not mesh with clothing!!! So I have decided that I am going to become the barefooted trail running nudist! There is just one very obvious and painful problem......what to do with "the girls"? I may have to rethink this.
But seriously........
Finding a hole in my running shoes at 5:30 AM was not the way I wanted to wake up. As a matter of fact, I did NOT want to wake up at all today. I swear I woke up every hour last night. I would look at the clock and tell myself, "I have 5 more hours to sleep." "I have 4 more hours of sleep." "I have 2 1/2 hours more to sleep." "I only have 30 minutes left." "Please, Lord, I don't want to wake up!"
Thankfully, I have this amazing husband that even in his sleep, he can hear my alarm clock and nudge me out of bed and not remember it when he finally wakes up for the day! He's awesome! Anyway, having rolled myself out of bed and in a rather grumpy mood, I found a hole in my running shoes.
I decided I would run anyway, but I still wasn't happy. Then my dog Shane was whimpering and crying. I asked him what was wrong, like he could verbalize the issue. Then I realized that it was probably thundering outside. I went out the front door and sure enough, the streets were wet and in the distance I saw lightning. It looked like the storm had already passed. But what if it hasn't? No sleep, hole in my shoe, and now the weather? I thought I could totally use these are reasons to skip my run and go back to bed. But I remembered that I have been out running in the mountains in a crazy spring storm. This storm that had just passed was NO reason to stay home. *sigh* Fine!
I was so cranky! I was mad! I seriously wanted a diet coke and a blue berry muffin. It took all I had to get the banana and the protein drink and have that for breakfast. As a matter of fact, I was still contemplating the junk food as I got in my car and headed out. I just kept telling myself that these things are part of the reason why my knee is hurting me so badly. What do I want more? The food that is bad for me or to continue being a trail runner? I drove on.
I was just about there. It was still dark out and I saw a runner coming my direction on the mountain road. His head lamp was shining bright and it dawned on me.. I had forgotten my head lamp. "I can go home and go back to bed!!!" I can't see in the dark and I wasn't wearing my glasses and I didn't have a head lamp. That sounded like the perfect reason to go home. Again, I heard myself saying, "You know this trail. You can walk. And it will be light enough to see in just 10 minutes!" I kept driving.
Finally on the trail, still feeling grumpy, I walked. My knee was cranky and my ankle was stiff. I decided that I would just walk this 6 mile trail today. I really need my ankle/foot to heal and I do not need to strain it more and make things worse, but I do need to train. So I decided to walk my 6 miles and deal with my emotional crankiness. That is the best part of trail running. I do not listen to music while I'm on the trails and when I'm by myself its just me and my thoughts. I can entertain myself for hours with all kinds of interesting and silly conversations in my head. I let the sun rise and clear away the cobwebs in my head. The smell of wet sage cleansed my mood and lifted my spirits. I was beginning to feel more like my happy self. Yup. This is the best part of trail running! I had to stop and take pictures (of course). Watching the sun rise through the clouds and over the mountains is just amazing!
Finally, I finished my 6 mile walk with an 18:47 pace. I STILL wanted the blue berry muffin, but I drove straight home. I ended up driving Tracy to get his allergy shots and then to work. I STILL wanted and CRAVED that blasted blue berry muffin and diet coke. If I went after I dropped Tracy off, no one would ever know! I was hungry too! I just kept driving and headed straight for the house. "What do I have at home to eat? What can I make? I need protein." Once I started thinking like this, my thinking switched. It went from "I NEED SUGAR!!!" to "I can't wait to get in the kitchen and create something yummy, healthy and colorful!"

Yes, it was a crazy, emotional morning! I've said it before, sometimes the hardest step is getting out the front door. Today was no different; actually today was even harder! I'm very happy with myself for getting out there in spite of everything. I am even happier that I made a healthy food choice today!
Here's to a Healthy YOU Today!
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