Tuesday, April 29, 2014

You Know You Really Want To Learn Something When.....

You wake up in the middle of the night practicing it in your sleep!

So three of the things I really want to get down this belly dance season are the belly and chest rolls and well as the combined undulation and shimmy.  I have been stretching my back muscles in the hot shower after every walk...trying to separate my ribs from my abdomen.  I have been practicing belly rolls in the shower.  And I do all of these things in my car while I'm sitting at traffic lights.  But last night as I was sleeping, my abdomen really burned.  I was asleep and couldn't figure out why it was burning until I woke up enough to realize, I had been practicing my belly rolls in my sleep!  Well I guess that is one way to do it.  But when I woke up enough to realize I was doing it, I became conscious of it and ended up using my back muscles instead of my abs (turning into more of an undulation/body roll than a belly roll and my back started to hurt).  Funny thing, this desire to become a better dancer and better and what I love.  *laugh*  I bet I kinda looked like a dog running in his sleep. *laugh*

So it's been a week since I pushed the restart button on my health journey.  I have walked every day.  I would say I walked a 5K every day, but there was one day in there where I only walked like 2 1/2 miles cause I got a late start and Tracy came to pick me up for lunch.  (Excuses....I could have opted out of lunch, but I wanted to go.  Based on how much the salad was for what I got in it, I SHOULD have opted out. *laugh*)  Anyway, I walked in pouring down cold rain and in beautiful sunshine.  I stopped to smell the lilacs and I even got my dog out on a 3 mile walk that he swore would kill him.  He is such a silly dog!  He survived!  This morning, I walked my fastest sustained pace/mile for the 2-4 mile range at 15:02/mile.  This makes me very happy (even if my back hurt and I had to push through the pain).

My eating has been much better.  I have not given up the Diet Cokes completely.  In the last week, I have had 3 (which is down from probably 15).  We made 1 stop to Maverick in which I got a blueberry muffin and a Diet Coke.  Then yesterday I went to Subway and I ended up drinking 2 cups of Diet Coke with my sandwich.  It's an improvement. I'll take it.  Every day but 1, I have followed the Refirm plan.  I am not entirely certain my tummy likes all of the supplements.  I am hoping that its just a matter of getting used to the vitamins and stuff.  But I sure get queasy.  (I had this issue with Beachbody's Shakeology too.)  I will keep it up and see how it goes.

So for the physical accountability..... here ya go.  I released 2# from 206 to 204.  Bust stayed the same at 43", Hips the same at 46", Thighs the same at 27", Arms down from 15" to 14 1/2", Waist down from 40" to 38".  So down 2# and 2 1/2" over all.  That is physical progress.

Emotionally, I feel soooo much better!  Getting up every day and knowing I NEED To be out walking to reach my goals is so important to me.  I am such a goal oriented and challenge oriented person.  I need something to work towards or I am just lost along this path of life.  And I have really been examining my creative/dance side of things.  It has been an amazing journey, and its only been a week! *laugh*


This week's chapter in Transformation by Bill Phillips is all about Exercise.  Here are a few of my favorite quotes....which I just proved for myself to be true in this last week of a 5K every day (well except 1 day).

"But dd you know that exercise has been scientifically shown to make us more intelligent, happier and more successful?  It's true!"

"Researchers at Duke University studied people suffering from depression for 4 months and found that 60% of those who exercised for 30 minutes, 3 times a week, overcame the condition without using antidepressants which is about the same percentage rate as those who use medication only in their treatment of depression."

"The best results were shown to occur in vigorous (intense) exercise performed consistently.  And the benefits continue as long as someone continues to work out."  (My side note:..... so don't stop working out.. it doesn't work so well. *laugh*)

I found this one particularly interesting based on my Traumatic Brain Injury:  "In addition, exercise boosts blood flow to the brain which helps it receive more oxygen and nutrients and it increases the energy of brain waves that are responsible for quick thinking, focus, creativity and problem solving."  Maybe that is why I (as well as some of my friends) do our best thinking while we are out running or cycling.

WARNING:  "Please realize that every week you don't get up and move for a few hours (walking, weight lifting, jogging) takes you another step closer to heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, cancer, depression, arthritis and osteoporosis."

Your simple prescription for health..which I found to be true this week:  "The scientific fact is that significant psychological and physical health benefits begin to occur with as little as 30 minutes of walking, 3 days a week."

ACTION STEPS...........

Based on the scientific evidence presented in this chapter, three specific exercise benefits that I am now holding the intention of personally experiencing are:
1)  Healthy Sustainable Weight
2)  Clearer More Creative Thinking
3)  Happy Disposition and Flexible Mind and Body

The amount of time I will make available for exercise each week throughout this 18-week transformation journey is:
I will continue on with my 5k/day training schedule until I have surgery.  So this is about 45 minutes to an hour or so every day.  I will also do the 2 hours of dance classes a week as well as 30 minutes/day rehearsal.  As soon as I have my surgery, I will get back to walking and dancing as quickly as possible.

Someone I can share my exercise plan with at the beginning of each week so he or she can help keep me accountable to my goals ad intentions is:
Well, aside from all of you blog readers, I have my family that I stay pretty accountable to.  They are always asking me how my walks went or if I am going out for a walk.  They are great like that.

Someone I can offer support, encouragement and friendly accountability to throughout this 18-week program is:
That is what I love about Facebook.  I have tons of friends who are out there exercising, training, and getting/staying healthy.  At least once a day, I am cheering someone on :).

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