Monday, April 28, 2014

Frankly Burlesque Explores Performance Art

So we all know that I love belly dancing, burlesque performances, storytelling, symphonies and musicals.  Heck, there isn't much that happens on a stage that I don't love from both the performance and audience perspective!  I also LOVE visual art.  So putting the two together should be a no-brainer for me, right?

For me it is about moving and stirring my soul.  There is something magical about going to a performance and walking away with a huge smile on my face or actually crying while watching the show.  There is something beautiful about going to a museum and seeing a piece of art on the wall and having it move me to visible emotion (and sometimes audible as I burst out laughing when I finally see what I'm really seeing or screech like a little school girl when the I realize that what I am really looking at is snakes instead of a rope or something).  Art is suppose to move me..and touch me.  It is suppose to make me think.  If it doesn't then, to me, it's missing the mark (or maybe *I* am missing the mark).

I used to love to teach art appreciation to kids in the elementary schools.  I used to love to perform puppet shows and stretch my skills to learn to use the marionettes.  I LOVE stretching my body and skills to learn something new in belly dance (and now burlesque).  I love the stretching my comfort zones, period.  It is how we grow.

So yesterday, after much mental debate, I decided I would check out Frankly Frankie's new Performance Art show at Pengilly Saloon.  I wasn't entirely certain what to expect.  I mean dancing in an of itself is a performance art.  But this, I was certain would be a different kind of experience.  I knew what to expect from one of the performers (as I have see him perform twice so far).  To be perfectly honest, watching him perform makes my skin crawl and stomach want to hurl.  What he does takes some serious balls.  He is a "side show" performer.  The kind you would go to the carnival and pay money to see.  He hammers a nail up his nose, lays on beds of nails... those kinds of things.  Just thinking about it makes me cringe.  He is good at what he does, but it really isn't my thing.  *laugh*  Kind of one of those performances you love to hate.  And I wasn't sure if I could handle another one.  I also wasn't sure if going to this show was going to be "worth" the pain it would cause me to sit in the seats available for 3 hours.  But at the last minute, I decided I wanted to go, and I'm glad I did.

Somethings I had a burlesque performer stripping down and using her body to paint on a  canvas.  Of course, Dapper Doyle and his famous nails.  Dan Costello and his amazing child like antics.  But other things, I didn't expect.  I did not expect such inspiring and heart felt performances that yanked at my heart and even left me feeling a bit un-nerved (in a good way) by Mr. Ferryman and AlejAndro.  Watching Frankie do a burlesque strip-tease for 4minutes 30seconds in complete silence while Dan held a clock ticking down the time was freakin' awkward and intense all at the same time.

By the time I left, I can say my mind had been officially *&%#@!

I left wondering what *I* could offer in the way of performance art?  My mind started reeling.  What have I seen on youtube videos or in real life that has inspired me? What have I seen already done.  What can I come up with that hasn't been done?  How could I get the same message across but in a different way?  How could I tell *MY* truth without words?  (Or could words be used..but in a different way?)

I am constantly thinking about what I have to offer in the way off performing in belly dance, burlesque and storytelling.  What is my "niche"?  Do I need a "niche"?  I have no idea.  What I do know is that the stage is my home.  I have never felt more alive than when I am on the stage (well I take that back..running a race makes me feel that way too).    As I sit here and type this, I do have an idea for performance that no one else will have or can do...because it is my own story that I lived, that I wrote and the idea of how to turn it into something visual and provocative has now cemented in my head.  I guess now I just need to wait until I can perform it....I would need to speak with Frankie and I need to heal up from my pending surgery first. *laugh*

Anyway....if you have not stepped out into the art world recently, I would strongly encourage you to do so.  Do something today.  There are lots of opportunities out there to explore the world of the arts.  You don't even have to leave the comfort of your living room...or the mundane of your office desk.  You can YouTube "performance art" and take a look.  You can look up art in Pinterest.  But really, I would encourage you to step outside of your comfort zone so you can open yourself up to FEEL what the art  has to offer.  Check out a dancing performance, a symphony, a play, go to the art museum in your local town, check out an art class (many cities have a "paint and sip" kind of experience where they teach you how to paint while you sip your beverage of choice) or maybe try glass blowing.  Heck, go take a dance class!  Many dance studios will offer walk in classes for pretty cheap; go check one out and see how your body moves.  Do something!  Experience art!  Heck, forget classes, just go to the store and buy some cheap pains and some construction paper, go home and crank up some tunes, and let the music dictate your feelings and get to finger painting!    Or for the couples reading about a hot art date night...    Love Is Art Kit.  I keep forgetting about this, and I so want to do it!

The point is..get out there and EXPERIENCE art!  Your life will be better because of it!

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