Friday, February 26, 2016

February 26, 2016 The Best Compliment

As you may or may not know, I have a burlesque performance coming up this Sunday, February 28.  This will be shows in 6 weeks (which includes 3 new pieces and 1 old one).  Three new pieces means 3 new costumes which also means I spend much of my time sitting in at my kitchen table spending quality time with rhinestones and glue.  Then there is the choreography and other parts of the costuming.  This is not a small easy process.  And sometimes its a painfully frustrating process.

When I told Tracy there was a show on the 28th, he said, "You aren't performing in that are you?"  "Please tell me you are not."  I told him I wasn't. I seriously was not planning on doing it.   However, I was still going to work on the costume for a piece I have been thinking about for a year.  I already had most of he big pieces I needed; it was just a matter of putting them together and getting the choreo done.

Then it happened.

Frankie put out a call (twice) saying she needed performers for the 28th.  I let the first one pass.  "Nope, not gonna do it.  I'm just gonna focus on my March 18th performance and my belly dance choreos."  Then the 2nd call came out with a week before performance.  Frankie needed people.  I knew I could be ready without too much stress.  I put my name in the hat.  Tracy was not very happy about it.  I think he gets frustrated cause he sees me stress and because performing (though I LOVE it) takes an incredible amount of brain work and wears me out.  He is just trying to protect me.  Lord knows, I will work myself to the bone when it comes to dance.  Someone needs to put their foot down.  *laugh*

Anyway, I committed.  Tracy rolled his eyes and realized I am going to do what I am going to do.  He knows it makes me happy.

So I am neck deep in costuming.  I was fighting with the big pieces.. he pieces that inspired this act to begin with.  How the heck am I going to turn these pieces into the bra that I need?  It's creative.  It's bulky  It's hard to work with.  It took m 4 tries and fails before I finally got it right.  But seriously, I was having a hard time and didn't think I would get it together.  I was beginning to panic.  

Finally, once I got the bras right, the skirt made, and the other props purchased, I put on the entire and all.  I played with the choreo and I fell in LOVE!!!!!  I was so freaking excited!  I took pictures and sent them to him (and to my burlesque sisters).  Everyone loved what they saw.  I felt amazing.

That night, Tracy came home from snowboarding and we were in bed just talking before we fell asleep.  I told him how excited I was that everything finally fell into place and this performance is going to be so much fun.  His reply, "I told you it would all fall into place.  It always does."  But then he said, "You are very talented."   

"You are very talented."

So many women want to be appreciated and recognized for their hard work or how they look.  They want their partners to validate them in some way or another.  Usually, for women, it's wanting to feel beautiful and to hear their partners say so.  But to hear Tracy say, "You are very talented" was as good as him giving me some huge gorgeous jeweled ring.  It seriously was the best compliment he could have ever given me!  I know he loves to watch me perform.  I see it in his eyes when he is in the audience.  But to hear him say those four little words sent me over the moon.

He is my biggest cheerleader, my biggest supporter.  None of this could be done without his love and support  I am so blessed to have such an amazing husband!!!!  Thank you, Tracy!!!!

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