Tuesday, March 26, 2019

March 26, 2019 Something about the month of March

There have been alot of thoughts going through my head since my recent break down.....  Yes, there was a specific event that sent me over the edge, but there is something bigger afoot. 

When I look at my history, I have a tendency to make big changes and healing choices in the month of March.  In 2010 I did a fire walk.  In 2011, I joined Weight Watchers and started myself on a whole new path of health and adventure.  I joined WW again with a friend in March.  I have started lots of things in March that have to do with either my physical health, emotional health, spiritual health, and financial health.  Then I started to think about what happens in March.. the Spring Equinox.  Spring is a time to plant new seeds.. a time to start new things.. a time to clean out the things that no longer serve us and make room for those that do.  Wow.  Okay.

Then I thought some more.  March is the 3rd month of the year.  That got me thinking about the number 3.  In numerology it is the number of creative expression and joy.  But mostly, I think about it in term of Maiden/Mother/Crone (3 being Crone which..to me..means wisdom).  I also think about it in other stages of life...  3 is a powerful number and runs deep in my core, apparently.  It's big in general.  You know what we all say, "Things happen in 3s", "Third times a charm"....  I was looking on line for the symbolism in the number 3... and I found this...

"The iris flower as a symbol of power in ancient Egypt.  It was often placed on scepter of rulers and kings.  the three large petals of the iris flower symbolize:  Faith, Wisdom and courage.  The iris flower is named after the Greek messenger goddess, Iris. She was also seen as the rainbow.  Iris flowers were planted on the graves of women.  The answer Greeks believed that the goddess Iris would lead the dead women to the Underworld."

The website said lots of interesting things, but the word "Underworld" caught me.  In metaphor, "underworld" is our subconscious...where all our deepest lessons lie.  It's what has boiled over the rim for me and sent me to the hospital. 

I have had some really great inspirations with this hospital stay... some of those include, more information on a book that has been rolling around in my head for decades.... a great idea for a burlesque production.. a couple of new act ideas...and some stories are coming back to me.  The number 3.. the month of March is a magical time.

With all of that said, I also believe that we create our life.  Everything I have done I believe I have created in some way or another.  The last time I went to church, was the service right before "lent".  My belief system does not really practice lent the way traditional Christian churches do.  However, we did talk about what we could let go of this season.  And in my heart, I felt and heard, "The heart ache and pain of our broken family.  The stuff going on with Suzy."  I heard it, but I told it "No!  It's too hard!  It's too painful!"  But it was my heart's desire and no matter what my head was saying, my heart and my spiritual center said, "Yes!"  So here's the thing, I have studied the Hero's Journey for years. That moment in church, I hear the call to adventure to heal, and I denied the call.  What happens when you deny the call to adventure?  Pain happens.  When you are called, you will continue to be called until you go.  So, yes, I created this.  My truest heart's desire is to heal my family, and when I denied it, the Universe made sure it happened.  It's time.  So here I am.  Reading.  Being open to new creative endeavors and the healing that comes with it. 

Here's to spring!  Here's to growth!  Here's to healing.

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