Wednesday, October 5, 2016

October 5, 2016 Life is a Whirlwind and I'm Caught Spinning

Seriously, the last couple of weeks have had me spinning around in circles of crazy emotions and busy activities.

First there is burlesque.  I performed a couple of weekends ago, and it was amazing.  I already posted about that.  But that weekend was a flurry of football game on Friday.. watching a burlesque performance and dancing on Saturday night and then on Sunday performing.  I know that sounds busy.  But to my brain, it feels even busier.  Living life with the TBI is a bit challenging sometimes and it can take me weeks to recover from a weekend like that.  And it has.  I feel like (a week and a half later) that I might actually be coming out of the fog that weekend created.

However, the insanity that is my life has not stopped.

Naomi is still in the middle of Color Guard/football season.  Last weekend, Tracy and I spent Friday night just hanging out at home.  But Saturday I spent all day at a marching band competition.  Saturday night, we spent the night hanging out at home.  On Sunday evening, we had some friends over for a bar/fire pit night.  So again, we were really crazy busy.

But on Sunday night, Naomi was showing off her rifle spinning skills to our friends and she missed a toss and hit her head with the rifle.  The gave her a concussion.  Yesterday (Tuesday) I took her to the doctor to confirm.  This created a flurry of emails exchanged with coaches, athletic directors, teachers, and the school nurse.  Today she went back to school and the athletic director called me.  She will be benched from Color Guard until she has been cleared by doctors and sports trainers.  She can't begin "return to sport" protocol until she is 24 hr concussion symptom free.  I am not arguing; I want her healed.  But man, this may take her out the rest of the season (which is only a few weeks longer).   I was more worried about her being in school today.  Her head hurts her.  She feels dazed.  And she got a "C" on a calculus test...she would have normally gotten an "A" on.  I don't care about the grade.. I just wish her head felt better.  The grade is just a symptom of how bad she feels.    I'm grateful she has 4 days off of school right now.  Hopefully the 4 days of rest will help her recover quicker.

On top of worrying about Omi, I had my own pre-op appointments for my knee replacement.  I went to my surgeon today just to find out that the insurance has denied my request for surgery saying that it is not medically necessary.  *eye roll*.  The doctor has to prove to them that it is.  They assure me that they will get the approval before my surgery that is scheduled for October 17th.  After that appointment we had to go to the pre-op appointment at the hospital where they did blood work and a staph test.  They also gave me a special soap to shower with the night before and the morning of my surgery.  A couple hours after that appointment, I had knee replacement class.  In class we were shown the components that will be placed in our legs.  It's crazy how big these pieces are and what they have to do to my bones to get these pieces to fit into my leg and make a working joint.  We went over the risks and how to prepare for surgery. We went over how the surgery will happen.  We went over post-op pain management.  This whole thing is a huge big deal.  It is the biggest surgery I have ever had and its just a little intimidating. However, I have the most progressive surgeon in Idaho doing this surgery.  I am grateful for that.  It's quite a bit to let sink in.  47 years old and getting my first knee a room filled with people much older than I am.  Ah well. I guess I just play hard.  I will be glad when this is done and I can have my life back.

And while all of this has been happening, Nate started his  new job this week.  Yay!!!  He is up with the rest of us at 7 in the morning.  He has a smile on his face.  I can see how happy he is to have a sense of purpose to his day. And today at work, he was pulled aside by the supervisors and was told to apply for a permanent full time job with the company (his current position was hired as a seasonal gig with the idea it could become permanent).  This is great news!  I am proud of him for being recognized this early on in the game.  Nate has really matured in the last couple of months while he has been unemployed.  I am grateful for this growth and so proud of the man he is becoming.

Our weekends for the next 3 weekends are packed with football, plays, burlesque shows (to watch), homecoming, dinners with friends, family visiting, color guard competitions and somewhere in there towards the end... my actual surgery.  Hopefully, Omi will be getting into the brain injury clinic to help with her head (if it does not heal up quickly on its own).  Life doesn't really slow down around here... and then, the inevitable.  The anniversary of Nick's death is right around the corner next month.  We all know it is coming.....and it is weighing on our hearts..whether we say it to each other or not.

So in this house... we are taking each day one day at a time.  We are taking some deep breaths.  We are resting brains.  We are preparing for surgeries.  We are looking for times to play and laugh.  We are excited for visits from family.  We are excited for progress in our children's lives. We are emotional and contemplative.  We have a whole rollercoaster of emotions....We are human.  So if you see any of us in the next month.. please give us hugs.. please be gentle with us.. please be patient...We may be smiling on the outside, but deep down, there is a sadness even in our laughter.  Thanks!

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