But as I scrolled through my facebook posts I noticed something. The ONLY people that were posting about this horrible tragedy were my LGBT friendly people.. either members of the community or allies. I have NOT seen the conservative Christian people on my friends list posting anything. I have not heard their out cry over what has been deemed "The biggest mass shooting and terrorist attack since 9/11". Fifty people are dead. Fifty people are injured. THESE ARE PEOPLE! These people are someone's children, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews... FAMILY!!! Yes, it was a gay bar, but orientation should not even be an issue in how this is affecting the people of the United States.
Everyone in the US should be upset and crying. EVERYONE should be outraged.
If this was indeed a "terrorist attack" by someone from ISIS (or whatever), this whole country should be screaming at the top of their lungs. If this was "hate crime", then this country as a whole needs to sit down and really look at what is going on. Why does a club of people who are out dancing, make you feel threatened, and more importantly (based on what I am seeing on Facebook) why does the orientation of these people affect how compassionate you are or (maybe just how you decide to show your compassion)? Are you afraid to show your compassion for fear that someone in your social circle may see it and think you are have turned gay? Are you afraid someone in your social circle may think you have turned your back and your god? If that is the case, you need to go back and read your Bible. You need to see that LOVE was god's religion!
My LGBT community is scared. We are frightened to walk outside right now. We are afraid for our lives. I am "lucky"; I look straight. I am married to a man. I have children. I live in suburbia. But I am NOT straight, and where I live, living in suburbia means that I could be in MORE danger because the people in downtown Boise proper are more liberal than the suburbs. My Facebook feed is flooded with my community members who are in tears. Is this really what your religion wants? For a whole group of people to feel isolated, hurt, afraid? I realize a "Christian" didn't hold the gun last night. However, I don't see a whole lot of "Christians" running to the aid and standing up in support of the people who were killed last night..or the community members that are reeling with the news.
Where are all the profile pictures that have turned rainbow? Where are all the #prayforOrlando hashtags from my Christian friends?
I'm confused.
Is it just because it was a Gay club??? Seriously? If so, shame on you!!!!!
And if this is just the case of Facebook showing me only things it thinks I want to see..then shame on Facebook. What the LGBT community needs right now is to see Straight People.. ALL PEOPLE...regardless of religion, race, sexual orientation or gender to stand up and show love and support!
Several years ago, one of my straight friends posted on Facebook that she did not understand why there was a "National coming out day". "Why is it such a big deal?" Well, today shows why it is such a big deal. Today is why PRIDE parades happen. Until we are all loved and accepted for who we are.. until the hate ends.. until ignorance has been erased, then these things will continue to be important. We will continue to march. We will continue to shout from the rooftops. Although, to be honest, after today, many of us may fold our pride flags and hide them back in our homes where only our friends can see them. Many of us, will stay away from pride events this month for fear of another attack somewhere. *sigh*
Where, have all the "Christians" gone?

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