Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rainy, Cold, Up Hill, Down Hill, Rolled Ankle, Slow and Fast...

It was quite the day up on the Frenzy Course today!

Down at the starting line, I kinda had my doubts about my wardrobe choice for the day.  I wore my long running tights and a light long sleeved shirt, but by the time we started making the smallest of elevation gains and the wind and the rain started in on us, I decided I made the right choice!

It didn't rain for long, but the clouds stayed with us all day.  The temps went from the 50's at the starting line to "I'm just really cold" up at the top of Ridge Road.  Then there was everything in between!  But for the most part, the temps were PERFECT for a scheduled 22 mile run!

When we planned this run, Mary said, "I know I'm slower than you.  So feel free to run ahead of me."  This is what back-of-the-packers do...the "compete" for who is slowest.  *laugh*  I assured her that I was not out there to break a time record; I just needed time on my feet and I was more than happy to hang with her.  Besides, I don't think she is that much slower than me (if at all)!  As far as I am concerned, she is pretty much a rock star.  She has a daughter a year older than me, and she is out there doing what all the "youngin's" are doing, and she smiles the whole dang time!  People tell me I'm a "bad ass"...but I believe that award goes to Mary!

Anyway, our day started out great.  We were pretty even paced for the most part.  I enjoy Mary's company very much. Neither of us like to run in the dark, so we were perfectly happy to power hike up the first hills until the sun came up.  Of course, there were still more climbs after the sun came up so we just kept on power hiking until we got to Watchman.  Then we got to run down hill which is always fun.

Nature called...and I am proud to say, I survived my first "squat behind a push" moment while on the trail!  Go me!  (And yes, you needed to know that!)  Ever since I started trail running, I have been amazed at the grace and ease that these women have with just "finding a bush".  They are so dang quick at it.  It's an art form I tell ya!  I still need practice!

We made it to 5 Mile Gulch...the big climb.  Mary started shouting, "I LOVE 5 MILE!"  Perspective and mind set is everything.  So instead of hating this heck of a climb, she had decided to love on it.  She even started singing Zippidy Do Da!  It didn't take her long to pass me.  My legs were feeling like toast. But worse than that, my head was feeling dizzy and my tummy was feeling nauseous.  I have NEVER climbed that hill as slow as I did today.  This is the first time in my training that I seriously questioned my ability to finish this race come race day.  I was so sick on that climb.  I just kept telling myself, "One foot in front of the other."  I would stop to try and calm my head, breathing and stomach down.  Then I would feel the lactic acid in my legs as they started to burn.  Oy!  Not a fun feeling!  If I moved I felt sick.  If I stopped I felt pain.  There really was no win-win option..other than to keep moving to reach the top and end the torture!

The thing about 5 Mile Gulch is that when you have finished that climb and reach Ridge Road, there is another sadistic climb for a mile along Ridge Road.  By the time I got to Ridge Road, I felt very green.  Mary said it would be okay if we skipped the out and back on Ridge Road and just headed down...and by down, I mean further up some more climbing before we could get to the down part!  We stopped for a while at the top of 5 Mile Gulch trail head so I could eat part of my Payday bar, hoping this would settle my stomach.  (Even the thought of drinking water was making me queasy.)  After a few bites, we were back on the move.

It was FREAKING COLD up on the ridge!  BRRRRRR!

Finally, we were able to start heading down hill.  I still wasn't running, like I normally would.  My body was still trying to calm down and recover from the climb.  Eventually, I was able to start running, more out of necessity than anything else. It's a pretty steep downhill and running becomes mandatory at some point :).

When we reached the trail head for Orchard, again Mary offered a short cut.  We could skip the climb up Orchard to 5 Mile Gulch and just stay on Rocky Canyon Rd for a few more minutes until we reached the car at the bottom of 5 Mile Gulch trail head.  I was already feeling guilty for skipping the out and back.  I was feeling stronger now.  So up Orchard we went.  For whatever reason, today's climb on Orchard felt easy and relaxing.  The very beginning is a bit of a climb but for the most part, it was just relaxing and felt great to be able to do it.  When I reached the intersection with 5 Mile Gulch, I knew it was all down hill!   Yay!!!

I started to run down hill, and I didn't get very far before I rolled my ankle again!  With a hop and a "Son of a GUN!" and a few more stabilizing steps I was able to get the pain under control and start running down the hill again...just a tad bit slower this time.  Mary trailed behind me, and I thought.."She is a mountain goat up 5 Mile Gulch and a bit slower on the down hill; and I'm the total opposite." We each have our strengths, and that is what makes this world such an amazing place. It is also what makes for great running buddies!

We finished our (now) 20 mile run in 7 hours and 22 minutes.  If we had done the other 2 miles, it would have added another 40 minutes putting us JUST over the 8 hour time limit for the first 22 miles.  Although, Mary's watch said 7 hours 20 minutes, so she would have made the 8 hour cut off.  And to be fair, while on 5 Mile Gulch, I did spend a bit of time on the phone with my husband without stopping the clock. *laugh*

Oh well. Its all good.  We could fret about the time it took us or be grateful for the time on our feet.  We chose to be grateful for the time on our feet, which is what we both really needed for this training day.  All in all, I finished the run feeling strong and like I could have finished the whole 50K. I'll take that as a WIN!

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