Sunday, September 15, 2013

I Feel Pretty....Oh So Pretty.....

And I pity any girl that isn't me tonight!

Today was such a great day!!!  Nearly 8 months after bonking my head, I FINALLY got to get all prettied up in my FABULOUS sparklies and dance with my belly dancing sisters!

Coming back from this concussion has not been an easy thing.  I know you have all heard me talk about it so many times that I'm positive you are tired of hearing about it.  The brain continues to amaze me.  This week, for the first time in a very long time, I had a pretty bad day when it came to cognitive thinking.  We have had entirely too much stress at home lately, and on Thursday, my brain was just D. O. N. E..... DONE!  It took all day for the brain to just relax and rejuvenate.  I went running on Friday and I felt a bit sluggish, but ended up running one of my fastest times for that particular route, so I guess I was doing okay.

When this morning came, I could hardly contain myself.  Ever since I went back to Belly Dancing classes in August, I have been working my tail off to learn 2 choreographies.  One of them included zills (finger symbols).  At first we didn't think I would do the zills (too much for the brain to process...keeping rhythms, while dancing, the music, choreography...) but I wanted to give it a try. Funny enough, I learned it faster than I did before I bonked my head.  However, there are other things that my brain is having a hard time remembering.  And to be honest, there have been days when the choreography just disappears like it was never there.  It's been an interesting experience.

But this morning, I got all dressed up with my costume, sparkly eye liner, sparkly hip scarf, big skirt, flowers in my hair.  I was ready!  I practiced my class dance and I had it down perfectly.  As for the group dance, I just figured I would hang out behind other people and I would be fine.  It was a great plan.  But you know what they say about plans.....


I forgot my zills at home, and as it turns out that was probably a really good thing.  When we walked up on stage for our group dance, I realized the stage was sloped downwards behind us.  I didn't think it was that big of a deal  until the music came on and we started to dance.  Music, plus movement, plus choreography I managed to do okay. But once I had to add the balance issue of an uneven stage, I was toast!  At least twice I had to catch myself from falling over.  I could not remember the choreography to save my life.  I felt like a hot mess up on that stage.  Just keep smile and moving; it will be over in a bit. In the words of one of my friends from Belize, "It's a good thing you are pretty." That is what I kept telling myself up on that stage today. *laugh*

When I got back up on stage for my class dance, we had turned a different direction (since our audience was sitting in the shade to the right of the stage).  Now the downward slope was to my right. I could handle that much better!  I performed my class dance perfectly and with a HUGE smile on my face!  I have NEVER felt that confident and amazing dancing  before!

By the time our hour of dancing (of which I danced 2 choreographed dances and 1 open dance) was over, I was tired.  It was all I could do to get home and change.  I laid down on the couch and was out for the count. My brain really, truly had had enough.  The nap was good.  Whew!

Then this evening, my friend posted on facebook, "Who doesn't have plans tonight and wants to do something awesome?"  Knowing he was part of the burlesque troupe that was performing tonight, I knew it had to be something amazing. I didn't have any plans.  As it turned out, they needed someone to work their Merch table. I had 15 minutes to get dressed in something sexy and get out of the house and head over there!  Sweet!

So tonight, I got to smile, flirt and sell merch and raffle tickets for the best burlesque troupe in town.  I had so much fun tonight!

Truly, I love the performing arts......and I got to start and end my day all dressed up in sparklies surrounded by some of the most talented people I know in this city!  I'm feeling entirely grateful and blessed!

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