Friday, January 5, 2018

January 5, 2018 Live Your Life!!!!

Today was an interesting day.  I went to bed last night with a plan, but I woke up and the plan had changed.  Then it changed again.  Actually, it changed a few times and found a couple of blessings within the changes.

My original plan was to get up when Tracy had to get up (at 8am) and throw on my hiking clothes, get the Yaktrax and hiking poles and head up to Corrals for a 6 mile hike.  The alarms went off.  Tracy finished his shower and I was still in bed.  He asked if I wanted to take him to work after a meeting he had.  Okay.  The meeting shouldn't be long.  This works out.  I love being able to spend extra time with him when I take him to work.  And I might even be able to have lunch with him if I get my hike done in time.  So, yay!  The first change to my plans had been happily made.  But as time continued to slip on by, I realized it was getting later and later.  I continued to get my things ready to go.  I couldn't find my Yaktrax.  I thought, "That's okay.  I will be able to go by and pick some up on the way out."  However, Tracy's meeting that was supposed to be short ended up being rather long.  So long, in fact, that I had to scrub the mountain trail all together. The hike was going to take too long to get anything else done today.

I changed my plans a second time.  I decided to go to the greenbelt off Park Center Blvd.  I would walk the 6 mile out and back from the Quarry Building to Barber Park and back.  Most of it is a bird sanctuary and non paved path. It is beautiful there.  I love to walk there, and I wouldn't need any special equipment and I could still get my 6 miles in (just on flatter/quicker terrain).  The joke was on me.  That path was nothing but an ice rink.  My plans changed again. Instead of 6 miles, I decided I would do 4 miles (2 miles out, 2 miles back). On the way in, I stopped and took pictures of a beautiful Eagle and a Heron on opposite sides of the river from each other.  I watched as sparrows flitted about.  Of course there are always geese and ducks around.  And I even got far enough to see my favorite swan, only to find out that 1 swan had multiplied into 4!  What a delight! I made friends with a couple of dogs.  I said good morning to runners and walkers.  I watched in awe as a man in his waders walked thigh deep into the Boise River to fly fish.  It was a beautiful day!  The walk was VERY slow going.  I didn't even have my snow boots on. I had street running shoes on, which meant I had no traction.  I slipped and slided, but I never fell.  Today's objective of miles, pace, and strength building was changed to, miles and balance/core training.

Once I got to the 2 mile mark and turned around, I decided to start listening to one of the songs I am doing a burlesque routine to next week.  I need to choreograph it, and I hadn't even started yet.  So I turned it on and listened to it over and over and over again. I think I had a good idea where to start now. That is something.  If I was losing valuable rehearsal time to a very slow, beautiful walk, might as well listen to the music and put my thinking cap on :). While I listened to my music on the way back, I noticed 3 different trees that I had completely missed on my way in.  These 3 trees had been decorated with Christmas decorations!  Such a random and beautiful surprise.  And that is when this walk went from "Get the miles in" to "Deep profound lessons".

Nature has a way of teaching us invaluable lessons.  Today's walk was no different, except that some humans had a part in today's lesson.  It is so easy to use the excuses, "It's too cold outside." or "There is still ice on the paths" or "I don't have the right equipment" or "I woke up late" or "That meeting ran late" or "I'm just too tired" or any other excuse you feel fits the  bill to not get out and do something or to not take a risk or to not live your life.  It is really easy to stay inside of your comfort zone where everything is predictable and controlled.  It's easy to stay in the house, on the couch, in a warm blanket beside a flickering fire place with the Netflix playing.  It takes a bit of effort, to put on 3 layers of clothes, find the cloves, coat and hat and drive a bit to go be in nature, in the cold weather.  Then it takes even more work to get out of the car and walk on the icy path.  It takes commitment to your goal and plans.  It takes stepping outside of your comfort zone. 

But what happens when you step outside of your comfort zone?  Do you get stuck in looking at every step you take.  Are you so focused on where you are placing your feet that you forget to look up and the beauty around you?  Do you get so worried about the little details that you forget the big picture around you?  Are you so afraid of failing that you forget that the best part of the journey is just being alive and experiencing this life as we know it?  Do you find excuses to turn around or do you keep on moving forward? 

I'm not saying that it is wrong to change your plans or your goals.  What I am saying, is check your reasons. Check your motivations.  Don't let yourself get comfortable and stop living your life!  Don't let yourself get old!  (Okay, that last statement might seem out of context, but I promise you, it will make sense in a few minutes.)

As I was saying, I had turned around at the 2 mile mark and now that I had already walked those same 2 miles, I was feeling a little more secure in my footing and where to walk.  It freed up my gaze and allowed me to do some more looking up and around.  And there I saw these beautiful trees decorated with Christmas ornaments.  And I remember thinking, "If I had still been so scared of falling, if I had turned around sooner, I may have never been blessed with such simple joy and the gift that was given to me in this moment!"  I felt so grateful for my life and my health. I felt so grateful for the amazing place in which I live.  Let's face it, Boise is beautiful.  Idaho is magnificent. And it's not just the beautiful outdoors, its the people that live here and share it with us.  It can be freezing outside, but there are still people out riding their bikes, fishing in the frigid waters, walking their dogs along the trails and kids out playing by the ponds.  And to top it off, you have people who are out there leaving random acts of joy on trees :).  This place is magical!

Once I finished my 4 miles, I got back in my car and my heart was filled with gratitude. I immediately started making plans for where I would go next. I need more Yaktrax. I also needed a pump for my bicycle.  This would require 2 different stops.  I didn't have time for 2 different stops.  I have burlesque stuff to do.  Something  kept telling me that I needed to go to Meridian Cycles.  "You can go to REI tomorrow.  You need to go to Meridian Cycles today."  Well okay then. I decided that I would make the stop at Meridian Cycles for the bike pump. 

I walked in, and a young man asked if he could help me. I told him what I was looking for and we walked to the back of the shop.  Once I got back there, I saw my friend Kurt.  I had no idea he was in there today.  As a matter of fact, I thought he no longer worked there at all.  So it was a great surprise to see his smile and warm eyes.  We exchanged hugs, and I finished picking up my pump.  But then we stood there and visited for a while.  We started talking about "getting old".  He is older than me.  I still don't know how old he really is; he keeps that pretty close to the cuff.  But as we talked he told me about a friend of his that was in his mid to late 60's who had just taken his own life a couple of days ago.  He told me that his man used to be a very active person but his arthritis and the meds he took for them had taken "life as he knew it" away.  And the last thing he had told Kurt was "Never get old". 

We aren't talking about age. We are talking about letting age get the best of you.  When you stop getting out and living your life, when you start making excuses to take on new adventures, you allow your brain and your emotions to get old.  When you stop moving, your body says, "Oh.  It's time to get old and stay inside and wait for death to come."  For some people that time comes entirely too early; I'm talking in their 30's!  We as a western civilization have stopped moving. We have opted for a comfortable and safe life.  But is it really safe?  Nope.  Sitting inside where it is warm and comfortable might keep you from breaking a leg on the ice or getting a concussion if you slip and fall, but it is not going to keep you healthy (emotionally or physically).

I have had this conversation with my other friend Brandon for years!  We talk about this in reference to our parents who are aging.  We talk about this in reference to my own knee and health.  Just like Kurt's friend, some things have been "taken away from me".  I have been told I can no longer do certain things for risk of another concussion or risk of having another knee replacement entirely too early.  And as that list of things grew, I started to feel so old.  I started to feel like I couldn't do anything.  I went from being an ultra marathon runner, roller skater, cyclist, Zumba instructor and dancer to being able to walk, riding in only good weather conditions, skating I'm NOT supposed to do, and Zumba got lost when I hit my head.  I really had to have a good long talk with myself.  I could pout and cry about what I couldn't do.... OR... I could get off my arse and do what I CAN do!!!  And I can celebrate every step I take..whether its dancing or walking.  I don't have to accept a life lived from the couch!  And I won't.  And you shouldn't either!  There is ALWAYS SOMETHING that we can do!

Get out there and  live your life.  You are only given one life, get out there and enjoy it!  Watch the birds.  Find unexpected gifts hanging from trees.  Listen to your intuition when it says, "No go here, instead of there." You might run into a friend who really needs a hug.  Make plans with your friends.. go have tea, beer, a walk, sushi..whatever.. get out there and spend time with them. You have no idea how long you have with them here on this planet.   Encourage your friends to get up and live their lives. Support their dreams.  Cheer them on from the sidelines.  Go on adventures.  Takes risks.  Crank up the  music and dance in your car!  LIVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Martha, I love this blog post! This is just what i needed to hear today. Thank you! 😊
