When thinking about this blog and thinking about how I wanted to title it, the words "Authentically Naked" seemed very provocative and true. I really want to make sure my words and thoughts come out clearly for this post. Please be patient with me.
Last night I performed two numbers at the January Edition of the Frankly Burlesque Revue. A revue means that there is no set theme for the show and you can do any type of number that you like. My original plan for the 2016 burlesque season was to not perform until the spring time, and it was going to be a couple of pieces that are already floating around in my head. However, last Sunday and Monday, Frankie (my friend and producer of the show) was posting that she needed more performers. I already had plans to go out of town on Saturday night and return on Sunday and I really didn't have a number ready. But I saw this plea for help and I had a "stupid" song stuck in my head that was begging to be performed as a burlesque number. I quickly verified with my traveling partner about our return time on Sunday. We would be home in time for me to get to performance on Sunday night. YIKES. That is cutting it close. 1) The piece was only a thought process and no where near developed! 2) In order to be ready to perform Sunday night, I would need to have the whole number ready (costuming done, choreo ready and rehearsed, burlesque bag packed) before I left to go out of town. 3) I also decided I would perform TWO numbers, not just one. I wanted to bring out "Return to Joy" with a revamped choreo and more facial expression for the story line and really feel like I did the piece (and my son, who it was created in memory of) justice. That was so much to do in 5 days (on top of dentist appointments, car appointments, belly dance and pole dance classes and voice lessons for Naomi!
After being cleared by Frankie to do two numbers, I went out in search of the right song for my new piece. (Yes, I had a song stuck in my head, but the song had multiple versions.) I downloaded three different versions and still could not decide. Eventually, I cut one out. I let my husband and my daughter listen. The vote was inconclusive. They both had their merits, but I just wasn't sure. I knew what I wanted to accomplish with this music. I knew that reaction I wanted from the audience. Both of these pieces could have worked. It was too hard to decide. So I turned to my burlesque sister and asked her opinion. We decided on the traditional Chicken Dance Polka. Yup, you read that right. I did a burlesque act to the Chicken Dance.
Here is where I need to tell you that my biggest request for my memorial service when I die is that my family laugh while doing the chicken dance and the Macarena. *laugh* They hate me. But this is true. I love the Chicken Dance. The first time I had ever even hard of it was at a company picnic when Nick was just a little toddler. They had a DJ who played this and Nick and I went up front and learned how to do the Chicken Dance. I love that memory and I have loved that song and dance ever since. I don't care how Corny it is!
Once I had the song finalized, it was time to get to work on the costume. I had looked online for chicken costume ideas. I knew I wanted to do a "reveal" (which means strip own to tassel twirling pasties). So whatever I created needed to fulfill that requirement. I found what I thought would work. After 2 failed attempts, huge feathery messes in my house, blood, sweat, tears and laughter, I finally figured it out and created (what I thought) was the cutest and most logical costume for the performance. I already had a black an white feathered bra from my very first burlesque performance. I do not ever see me doing that particular dance again so why not re purpose it?! With that decided, I purchased a few more feather boas, 9 in all. 5 white and 4 black and white. I created a feather tutu that was tied with a yellow ribbon I already used as a belt for a dress I no longer had (another re purposing). I bought dish gloves to make chicken feet and stuffed the fingers/toes with cotton balls (which I already had). I researched how to make pasties, bought the necessary items (kept the left overs for further pastie making days) and used my hot glue and rhinestones that I already had on hand. I made my very first set of pasties! Woohooo!!!! I also had to make an underbra that was to cover up my "underboob" to keep in line with the alcohol licensing in Boise and new pretty panties... both of those things had to be blingd out! It was a crazy few days of costuming in my house!
But most importantly (for this blog) was my decision to not wear stockings of any type. Since this is the year of authenticity, I really try to keep this in mind when it comes to my actions. The decision to cut my hair, not dye it for a year and let the gray hair grown in was a huge decision that I have gotten some flack for from my friends who can not stand the idea of their hair graying. And in reality, as a performer, the idea of having my gray hair grow out does not exactly excite me. But I want to accept and love me the way that I am naturally... and that means my gray hair. That also means, loving my cellulite and my stretch marks. It means loving my fleshy thighs and the weight that I have gained back after back surgery and no running and poor eating habits that have returned. Yes, tights/stockings would look more professional and sexier on stage and yes there are probably people out there in the audience who might think, "Oh god.. she should not be up there doing that.. she is too old.. too fat..." But... I am ME! And I LOVE ME! I am not going to hide in my seat as an audience member because I let my fear of being too fat or too old get hold of me. Tomorrow is not promised. Why would I waste right NOW in hopes for thinner days, when I could die tomorrow? I should do what I love TODAY! So....I decided, cellulite, gray hair, fleshy legs and all.. I'm going up on that stage and being authentically naked. Not just from a physical stand point, but also from a very emotional stand point. Being up on stage in front of 100 or so of your closest friends and bearing close to all puts you in a very vulnerable position. You are emotionally naked!
Speaking of emotionally naked, lets talk about the actual performance, shall we? Like I said, I did two acts last night. There is an intermission in the show. So I performed one act in each half. Both of these pieces were very different. "Return to Joy" set to Feeling Good by Muse is my tribute piece to Nick. After my first burlesque performance, he told me that I needed to do a performance to Buble's Feeling Good, but that is cliche. Everyone does that. So I found Muse. It is perfect, cause it is the kind of music he likes; its harder, edgier..just like him. The story line goes from a mom dressed in a dark rob of mourning. But then sheds her mourning for the golden butterfly wings of transformation and joy. It is a beautiful piece and totally inspired by Nick. Last night, as I laid curled up in a ball hands over my face ready for the curtain to be drawn, Frankie introduced my piece as a tribute to my son. I heard the audience gasp. My heart was racing. I was talking with Nick. (The first and last time I performed this, I had a wardrobe malfunction that really threw me off guard. The audience seemed to like it anyway, but I felt as though I had let Nick, Frankie and myself down. This time, I had revamped the choreo to prevent that and added some acting to it to allow for a possible cover up of a wardrobe issue and to really emphasize the finding of joy and shedding of mourning. Anyway, I heard Frankie introduce me, the music started, the curtain pulled and my body did what my body does. It danced. The audience was silent in the beginning of my piece. Then the music changed, my movements changed and the audience didn't just see, but they felt the shift of emotion. They cheered as I reclaimed my joy! And they cried. I made an audience cry... I moved them to tears with my dance.. my art...my story (and no words were spoken...well except in the introduction of the piece). It was beautiful! The music ended, appreciated my audience for witnessing my journey and I exited the stage.
There is magic behind the curtains and stage of a burlesque show. It's not a bunch of catty women. It's not a competition about who's act is better or who's costume is prettier. It's not about who's body is in better condition? It is all about love, acceptance, assistance, and most of all FAMILY! So after I finished Return to Joy, I stepped off the stage into the arms of my brothers and sisters who cried with me. Who loved me. Who came up to me and told me that they too were missing their children who had been kidnapped (I had no idea) and had never thought to put that emotion into performance an they were moved to tears. And last night, I was not the only performer with such an emotionally charged piece. Ferryman was too. Last night, he and I wept and supported each other. That is what a family does! THAT IS BURLESQUE IN BOISE!
Whew! After such an emotional performance, it was time to change my costumes! Our "dressing room" it literally a little tiny make shift hall way created by temporary red, velvet curtains that are hung up by our producers when they arrive that night. It is maybe 3 to 4 feet wide in most of the area (one section has more room cause it leads to stairs that lead to music studios upstairs). This area is also the only way to the outdoor smoking section of the bar. So yes, it is not very private. And when you get 11 performers/producers with all of their costume bags and gear back there with one little tiny toilet room with one little tiny round mirror and the only good lighting for make up...it gets CRAZY! Men and women in different stages of dress or undress...and then the random audience member making a quick walk through to get to the smoking area....its always entertaining. But the energy is electric! Everyone helps each other with costume changes. Someone forgets something, someone else has extra. I needed tips for glittering my body....and there we were...me in panties and my bra, Josh sitting in a chair getting his make up done, Frankie doing her make up and Ferryman's make up artist..all in one little tiny toilet room where Ferryman's friend and Franky took turns alternately spraying my naked skin with hair spray and blowing glitter from their hand onto my body. Yes.. this is burlesque. Authentically Naked.
Finally, after having to do pastie repair work (thanks to Mimi and Lillian), I am dressed and ready to go..just in time to watch Ferryman perform his static trapeze act from behind the curtain. So moving. So emotional! So beautiful! So raw!!! So authentically naked! He comes off stage to open arms and hugs. I then watch the next performers who go on stage right before me. So much fun! They exit the stage to praises and high fives and I hear Frankie start my introduction. "Sometimes Burlesque is Funny....." The music for my Shake a Tail Feather performance starts, and I walk like a chicken onto the stage and as soon as the very recognizable Chicken Dance song starts, the audience laughs and cheers and start doing the dance with me! YES!!!!! This is exactly what I had envisioned!!! The audience cheers and squeals with delight. For a few moments, they are children remembering doing these dances at happy times like weddings or picnics or maybe elementary school dances. They are watching me be silly on stage shaking my feathered tushie and shimmying my shoulders. With the help of my strategically placed friend, I stepped off the stage and out into the audience I went. I flirted and played with my audience. I shimmied and shaked. I flashed a little peekaboo of what was under my feather tutu. I laughed and I smiled. I played with my audience. I danced and twirled as they cheered and sang along. And back up on the stage I went. It was time to get serious. It was time to start "revealing". I realized in that moment I had totally forgotten to put on my gloves! Now what? Time to improvise. Instead of taking 3 things off during 3 different sections, I now had 3 sections and 2 things to remove. YIPES. So.. I played and teased my audience. "Get ready I'm going to take off my tutu.. Nope.. not yet." They ate it up! More chicken and duck and shaking my butt..then it was the polka again.. time to take off the tutu. They were eating out of the palm of my hand! The music (as it does) gets faster. These "reveals" were going much faster than a normal classical reveal. But the audience was into it. Then it was time to shed my feathered bra....the looks on their faces! The hooping and hollering. The laughing. The cheers. The surprise. Is this really happening during a chicken dance? Yes it is! Brilliant! This is burlesque!!!! The song ended. I was all smiles. The audience was all smiles. I blew them kisses and exited the stage to the cheers of my burlesque family. As I walked back to my suitcase to change into my street clothes, I could hear the audience.....they were still cheering and screaming for my performance. I felt like a rock star! If I had been a rock star, and no one was on right after me, it would have required another step onto the stage for another bow.. at least that is what it sounded and felt like.
Last night, I made the audience cry and then I made them laugh! That was my goal. I let myself be authentically naked..both physically and emotionally... I shared a deeply emotional experience and I shared my silly side and they loved me.. more importantly I LOVED ME! This is burlesque!
After the show, I went out to the audience to love and thank my friends for coming. I seriously have the best friends. I have the best support group. It's crazy to think that here are people who make time out of their busy schedule and come to a show just to watch me perform! But they do. And I love them for that! Crazier yet, was the line of people waiting to talk to me to tell me how moved they were.. either to tears or to laughter. "I have not had that much fun in so long! Thank you for making me laugh!" "I have not laughed that hard in months. My cheeks hurt from smiling!" "Your dance made me cry. It was truly beautiful." "You are so beautiful!" As I type this, I am crying. Some of these people were regulars of the show. And some of them were people I have never seen before. Yet they stood in line just to talk to me and give me their appreciation. My heart was so full! It was full before I ever came out from behind the curtains. Being able to share the give and take with the audience from on stage is a magical experience. To have that energy exchange with the audience is breathtaking. It is what I have always loved about performing..whether it was singing in musicals as a child, being a professional storyteller as an adult, being a belly dancer at festivals or now...burlesque. Being on stage is my happy place. Helping people think, feel, experience something they might not have otherwise is a beautiful thing.
I really want to take this time to thank my amazing husband Tracy who supports my crazy shenanigans. Performing takes practice which means time away from him. Classes take not only time but money, and he never complains..only supports. And even when he feels icky, he is front row cheering me on with a huge smile and adoring eyes while I shimmy and shake and take it off for 100 people; all I see in his eyes is him saying, "I love you and I could not be prouder of you!"
I want to thank my daughter Naomi who helps me with costuming and laughs with me.
I want to thank Mimi and Frankie for being the best burlesque mentors and big sisters a showgirl could ever ask for! I want to thank Ferryman for his awesome hugs and sharing his big heart. I want to thank Lillian for her help last night and the inspiration she has been to me for years as I have been an audience member and only dreamed of sharing a stage with her one day. And thanks to tall of my other burlesque family who was back stage last night. The bonds we form while performing together are priceless and I love you all! Thank you for being part of my journey!
After 3 project blogs, it's time for one great big ol' all inclusive blog! Thanks to my friends and family, the blog has been aptly named so that I could include all of the sensational things that keep my life so filled with JOY! Thanks for reading my long worded thoughts; here's to many more journeys together!
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 10, 2016
January 10, 2016 When you open the door to creativity........
Beautiful things happen!
So far this year's intention to open myself up to creativity and art has been a beautiful experience! Getting back to walking labyrinths has really opened my heart to some beautiful learnings. Exploring the different labyrinths around town has given me such an appreciation for the different styles of labyrinths (Classical, like the original found in Greece mythology, and Medieval like the one found in the Chartres Cathedral) and the materials they are created with (either in granite flooring or on grass with rocks to mark the path or with plans). There are so many way to make a labyrinth. I love the creativity, reflection, the lessons that can be found in each one....not just in walking them but in the creation of one as well.
Yesterday was such a beautiful winter day here in Boise. It was 44 degrees and sunny outside. It was the perfect day to find a labyrinth to walk. I did some research and found one at the UU Church in Garden City. The grounds of the UU church is beautiful here and since the place was empty it was nice and peaceful (even if I was actually trespassing (oops) ). Hey! At least I trespassed respectfully :). Before I started walking the labyrinth, I took pictures. Then I stood at the entrance an quieted my mind and set my intention, opened my heart and stepped over the threshold. I am always amazed at the learnings I receive as I walk a labyrinth. Seriously. I mean, each time I do it, I open my heart and each time, I am gifted with a new piece of wisdom...yet each time I do this, just before I clear my heart and head and set my intention there are doubts... "Does this really work? Are there really answers to be found inside the walls of the labyrinth?" And what I have found is that I need to be open to the lessons and not try to dictate the lessons I think I might want to hear. In this life time, you don't always get what you want, but you always get what you need, and that is the truth of the labyrinth.
So yesterday as I walked with an open heart, this is what I learned....
"Walking the path of trials and tribulations can get muddy at times. It can get messy and slippery and we must learn to walk diligently and with purpose....not letting our feet get stuck in he mud, w must travel on.. focused on our path and our journey. Sometimes the foot prints left in the mud are a sign for hose that come behind us to also be mindful of where they place their attention. And sometimes on our return journey it is a reminder of how far we have come.
Give thanks and be grateful for those slips int he mud for it is in that muck that we learn our deepest lessons."

So far this year's intention to open myself up to creativity and art has been a beautiful experience! Getting back to walking labyrinths has really opened my heart to some beautiful learnings. Exploring the different labyrinths around town has given me such an appreciation for the different styles of labyrinths (Classical, like the original found in Greece mythology, and Medieval like the one found in the Chartres Cathedral) and the materials they are created with (either in granite flooring or on grass with rocks to mark the path or with plans). There are so many way to make a labyrinth. I love the creativity, reflection, the lessons that can be found in each one....not just in walking them but in the creation of one as well.
Yesterday was such a beautiful winter day here in Boise. It was 44 degrees and sunny outside. It was the perfect day to find a labyrinth to walk. I did some research and found one at the UU Church in Garden City. The grounds of the UU church is beautiful here and since the place was empty it was nice and peaceful (even if I was actually trespassing (oops) ). Hey! At least I trespassed respectfully :). Before I started walking the labyrinth, I took pictures. Then I stood at the entrance an quieted my mind and set my intention, opened my heart and stepped over the threshold. I am always amazed at the learnings I receive as I walk a labyrinth. Seriously. I mean, each time I do it, I open my heart and each time, I am gifted with a new piece of wisdom...yet each time I do this, just before I clear my heart and head and set my intention there are doubts... "Does this really work? Are there really answers to be found inside the walls of the labyrinth?" And what I have found is that I need to be open to the lessons and not try to dictate the lessons I think I might want to hear. In this life time, you don't always get what you want, but you always get what you need, and that is the truth of the labyrinth.
So yesterday as I walked with an open heart, this is what I learned....
"Walking the path of trials and tribulations can get muddy at times. It can get messy and slippery and we must learn to walk diligently and with purpose....not letting our feet get stuck in he mud, w must travel on.. focused on our path and our journey. Sometimes the foot prints left in the mud are a sign for hose that come behind us to also be mindful of where they place their attention. And sometimes on our return journey it is a reminder of how far we have come.
Give thanks and be grateful for those slips int he mud for it is in that muck that we learn our deepest lessons."

After I walked the labyrinth, my brain was flooded with creative ideas. I went to the store and bought some art supplies and came home and lost myself in drawing and playing.
Today, I woke up still feeling inspired. I grabbed my son and our dogs and we went for a walk along the river. I really wanted to take some artsy pictures, but he is not one for pictures and the dogs were not very patient. *laugh* But it was a fun day with "the boys".
Once we came home, I was having a conversation on Facebook with a friend about my reaction to watching A River Runs Through It. It made me sad. My friend said, "Sorry, I should have thought to warn you." And my reply was.. "If life always came with warning signs we would never have a real emotion". And she thanked me for reminding her. Again, I think this little pearl of wisdom is a direct result of opening my heart to the creative flow of life. So I decided to create a "meme" with the little quote. Feel free to share it. *laugh*
Here's to continuing the flow of creativity in life!
Friday, January 8, 2016
January 8, 2016 Happy New Year!!!!
I don't know about you, but 2015 was a doozie of a year for me. Lots of things were happening in my life, the biggest of which was grieving the loss of my son, Nick. I will always miss him (like just yesterday I felt a profound sadness at his loss) but it is time to move on. Last year while grieving my son and helping my family through the loss, I really felt as though I had lost me in all of that. I am not sure where I went really but I certainly came out of the other side of 2015 not really having a clue about who or what I was. I used to be so certain about who I was and what I wanted out of life. I was very happy. I laughed alot. I always had a knowing that life was perfectly imperfect and it was magical. I was filled with joy. I felt like I had lost all (if not most of that) in a year of grief.
I guess that (to some extent) that is to be expected. Intense loss is going to have an affect on you. My life had changed forever and a new normal was suppose to come out of that. But what was that suppose to look like and feel like? There was one thing I knew. I had a choice. I got to choose what this new normal would be. I could be sad, depressed and angry for the rest of my life, or I could find joy again. Honestly, I much prefer the joy option. But in choosing joy, I wanted to make sure it was an authentic joy (not just some plastered smile on my face, while deep down I was a crying depressed mess). More than anything, I want to live my life authentically (whatever that looks like).
For the last several years, I have decided on projects to work on for a year. Reading, running, dieting, grieving.... Each year was filled with growth in unexpected ways. I have decided that this year would be the year of authenticity through creativity. I want to explore my world. I want to get to know (the new, post grief) me. I want to push my limits. I want to try new things. I want to make myself uncomfortable (on purpose). I want to be open to the endless possibilities and say YES to life!
1) First on my list of things to do is to let my natural hair color grow in. I am going to go the entire year of 2016 without coloring my hair. This may not sound like a huge deal to you, but I LOVE my eggplant colored hair. And I really do not like all of the gray in my hair. It's not about denying my age as much as I do not think gray hair is flattering with my skin tone. With that said, last year I KNOW I gained a significant amount of "wisdom glitter" in my hair. I really want to know just how much it is. The only way to do that is to grow it out. I want to welcome it, accept it, and love it (at least for a year). Since my hair is pretty long, I will cut my hair shorter and keep it on the short(ish) side while my roots grow out. It is going to be a painfully slow process, and there is no reason to make it longer by keeping my hair long. So as soon as I am over this cold and my back is up to it, a hair appointment will be made. I'll post pictures when that happens and though out the year, so you, too, can see just how gray my hair has gotten :).
2) I also want to spend this year creating art. Art is a broad term that I intend on using in several ways. Each week, I will create a new piece of art. This new piece of art might be a visual, it might be written, and it might be new choreography. I used to be a prolific poetry and short story writer. I would like to lose (or in this case, find) myself in writing again. I would also like to try new forms of visual art. I picked up a Zentangle book with a gift card, and I just started on that today. It's a form of meditation using drawing. I'm already in love! As new pieces of art are created, I will share them with you. One new piece a week :). I can't wait to do a painting class with Nate soon! I bought him a painting class for his birthday.. a mom/son date night. It is going to be so fun!
3) When it comes to performing this year there are a couple of things I would like to accomplish an do. I would like to choreograph my on belly dance solo and perform it a couple of times this year. I will start looking for music soon. But first I need to decide if it will use any props like veil, Isis wings, zills..that kind of thing. I would also like to sing on stage at burlesque. This is a huge uncomfortable thing for me, but I really want to do it. This may require some voice lessons... I'm not sure. I need to find some background music and sing and see what I sound like. I also want to perform a burlesque duet with Chiffon Headstrong and I want to get my Safety Dance performance done. I think the singing will happen at the end of the year (like November/December). Safety Dance I would like to do before summer break. And the duet with Chiffon I would like to do in September (if that is good by her)..we shall see.
4) I want to try/do new things this year. Once a month I would like to do something I have never done. When I asked my friends on facebook for suggestions, many of them gave suggestions I have already done (maybe not in Idaho, but I have done them..like zip lining). Maybe "new things" should be changed to "new places" that will allow for doing something I have already done but doing it some place new, therefore creating a new experience. But the whole idea is to grow and challenge myself, and doing something I have already done doesn't really meet that requirement. Thanks to Nate, I already have 2 things to do 1) Fencing lessons 2) Improv lessons. These are things I will be doing with Nate and I'm totally excited to use the gifts he gave me for Christmas! So I just need 10 more new things to do...so here is the final count (without having specific dates) 3) Sing a solo on stage 4) skydive 5) Cooking class with Omi at Sur La Table 6) Country Western Dance Class (without Tracy) 7) Science Museum in Salt Lake City 8) Sign Language Class 9) Go to the Opera 10) Go to the Seattle Art Museum 11) White Water Rafting 12) Fly fishing with Tracy.
So there you have it...a year of exploration and creativity. I have my research cut out of me...looking for some of these things, and I need to plan some of this out. But I think these are all do-able and exciting. Some of them are not crazy leaps, but they are experiences I have not had yet...like the Seattle Art Museum (yes I have been to art Museums...but I LOVE art...and I have never been there before so it will be a new experience...the same thing with the Science Museum in Salt Lake). Some of these are free while others will cost a pretty penny. It will be a fun year and I'm excited for what I learn about myself :)
With all of that said..... Here is art project #1 from the beginnings of Zentangle:
I guess that (to some extent) that is to be expected. Intense loss is going to have an affect on you. My life had changed forever and a new normal was suppose to come out of that. But what was that suppose to look like and feel like? There was one thing I knew. I had a choice. I got to choose what this new normal would be. I could be sad, depressed and angry for the rest of my life, or I could find joy again. Honestly, I much prefer the joy option. But in choosing joy, I wanted to make sure it was an authentic joy (not just some plastered smile on my face, while deep down I was a crying depressed mess). More than anything, I want to live my life authentically (whatever that looks like).
For the last several years, I have decided on projects to work on for a year. Reading, running, dieting, grieving.... Each year was filled with growth in unexpected ways. I have decided that this year would be the year of authenticity through creativity. I want to explore my world. I want to get to know (the new, post grief) me. I want to push my limits. I want to try new things. I want to make myself uncomfortable (on purpose). I want to be open to the endless possibilities and say YES to life!
1) First on my list of things to do is to let my natural hair color grow in. I am going to go the entire year of 2016 without coloring my hair. This may not sound like a huge deal to you, but I LOVE my eggplant colored hair. And I really do not like all of the gray in my hair. It's not about denying my age as much as I do not think gray hair is flattering with my skin tone. With that said, last year I KNOW I gained a significant amount of "wisdom glitter" in my hair. I really want to know just how much it is. The only way to do that is to grow it out. I want to welcome it, accept it, and love it (at least for a year). Since my hair is pretty long, I will cut my hair shorter and keep it on the short(ish) side while my roots grow out. It is going to be a painfully slow process, and there is no reason to make it longer by keeping my hair long. So as soon as I am over this cold and my back is up to it, a hair appointment will be made. I'll post pictures when that happens and though out the year, so you, too, can see just how gray my hair has gotten :).
2) I also want to spend this year creating art. Art is a broad term that I intend on using in several ways. Each week, I will create a new piece of art. This new piece of art might be a visual, it might be written, and it might be new choreography. I used to be a prolific poetry and short story writer. I would like to lose (or in this case, find) myself in writing again. I would also like to try new forms of visual art. I picked up a Zentangle book with a gift card, and I just started on that today. It's a form of meditation using drawing. I'm already in love! As new pieces of art are created, I will share them with you. One new piece a week :). I can't wait to do a painting class with Nate soon! I bought him a painting class for his birthday.. a mom/son date night. It is going to be so fun!
3) When it comes to performing this year there are a couple of things I would like to accomplish an do. I would like to choreograph my on belly dance solo and perform it a couple of times this year. I will start looking for music soon. But first I need to decide if it will use any props like veil, Isis wings, zills..that kind of thing. I would also like to sing on stage at burlesque. This is a huge uncomfortable thing for me, but I really want to do it. This may require some voice lessons... I'm not sure. I need to find some background music and sing and see what I sound like. I also want to perform a burlesque duet with Chiffon Headstrong and I want to get my Safety Dance performance done. I think the singing will happen at the end of the year (like November/December). Safety Dance I would like to do before summer break. And the duet with Chiffon I would like to do in September (if that is good by her)..we shall see.
4) I want to try/do new things this year. Once a month I would like to do something I have never done. When I asked my friends on facebook for suggestions, many of them gave suggestions I have already done (maybe not in Idaho, but I have done them..like zip lining). Maybe "new things" should be changed to "new places" that will allow for doing something I have already done but doing it some place new, therefore creating a new experience. But the whole idea is to grow and challenge myself, and doing something I have already done doesn't really meet that requirement. Thanks to Nate, I already have 2 things to do 1) Fencing lessons 2) Improv lessons. These are things I will be doing with Nate and I'm totally excited to use the gifts he gave me for Christmas! So I just need 10 more new things to do...so here is the final count (without having specific dates) 3) Sing a solo on stage 4) skydive 5) Cooking class with Omi at Sur La Table 6) Country Western Dance Class (without Tracy) 7) Science Museum in Salt Lake City 8) Sign Language Class 9) Go to the Opera 10) Go to the Seattle Art Museum 11) White Water Rafting 12) Fly fishing with Tracy.
So there you have it...a year of exploration and creativity. I have my research cut out of me...looking for some of these things, and I need to plan some of this out. But I think these are all do-able and exciting. Some of them are not crazy leaps, but they are experiences I have not had yet...like the Seattle Art Museum (yes I have been to art Museums...but I LOVE art...and I have never been there before so it will be a new experience...the same thing with the Science Museum in Salt Lake). Some of these are free while others will cost a pretty penny. It will be a fun year and I'm excited for what I learn about myself :)
With all of that said..... Here is art project #1 from the beginnings of Zentangle:
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