Last night was Global Concepts (a night when all of the belly dancers of our community are invited to dance and reunite with our sisters from other troupes). This event is always held at a bar called The Balcony in downtown Boise. It's always a great time, but for years, Naomi has been left out of these performances. Why? Because she was just too young. In July, she turned 18 years old. We thought the law for being able to perform in a bar was 19 years old, but we found out recently that it was 18! As soon as we found that out, we all got excited!
Last night, was Naomi's first Global Concepts. It was also her first time in any bar! Our first thought was excitement that she was going to be able to perform with our sisters. But our next thought was to make sure that we did everything correctly to make sure Samira stayed in good standing with the bar and so that the bar didn't get into trouble with having an "underage" person in the bar. The law states that 18 - 20 year olds can be in a bar as "employees", and as a performer, Naomi would be considered an employee. Naomi and I had it planned out. She would be completely dressed for performing before we left the house. She would wear her dance company hoodie. She would be dressed for the part so there was no mistaking what she was there for. We had planned on taking a picture outside of the entrance to mark the day. And that is exactly what we did.
Once we walked into the Balcony, we were greeted (before we even got into the door) to go inside by the owner/manager. "Is this our 18 year old dancer?" I was surprised by this. (Now as I think about this, I wonder if maybe there is a camera at the main enterance where we stopped to take a she saw us coming.) After being carded, they marked Naomi's wrist with a very specific mark so that everyone knew she was "underage". The manager, grabbed the bartenders attention and pointed Naomi out and made sure that the bartender KNEW that Naomi was the "underage" kid they knew was coming. Then the manager escorted us back to the dressing room (to make sure Naomi didn't go where she wasn't suppose to go). The instructions, "You are welcome to perform, but you must leave as soon as you are done." Thanks to Samira, Naomi was given permission to sit just outside of the dressing room curtain along the opposite side of the dance floor from the bars. She was sitting/standing alone or with people who had NO ALCOHOL around her. She had to drink out of a water bottle bought at the bar and a can of Redbull; this way they knew there was no alcohol in her cups.
We made sure to take pictures, like usual. But this day was important to capture. It was a rite of passage for her. For years she has watched as her older dance sisters got to go and dance at the bar, while she had to stay at home. And now, it was her time!

When she walked into the dressing room, she was greeted with hugs and cheers and welcomes. It was like a birth. There was this curtain that separated her from a life she once knew to a brand new life as an "adult performer", and there were her sisters ready to welcome her with open arms and lots of love and support. Then of course, there were the typical, "We are not ready for you to be this old!" statements. Naomi has grown up in this belly dancing community. She was 11 or 12 when we started dancing. I remember her first performance, Mearah, didn't want the young girls to have their bellies hanging out just yet. Naomi wore a big skirt and a top that covered her belly. She performed in a retirement center. Now here she is nearly 7 years later...tattoos, belly piercing, dancing in dance bras or crop tops and pants and "human belts". She started in Cabaret style dancing and is now in Fusion dancing. She has grown so much. And these women that have taught her and supported her through everything the teenage years have thrown at her, were there last night to witness this rite of passage. The "Grandmother" of our bellydancing lineage was there last night. While Naomi has never danced with Sidonia, Sidonia has watched Naomi grow up on stages around Boise. As Naomi sat at her special table along the dressing room curtain, Sidonia went over to visit with her, give her hugs. Everyone was so excited to have Naomi there and dancing. Naomi was surrounded by love and community.
I am so grateful for the strong, elegant, intelligent, talented, graceful, fierce women that have helped me raise such an amazing young woman! I love my dance sisters more than they will ever know. I am grateful for all of the teachers we have had over the years. I am grateful for the strength Naomi has gained because of bellydance. This is the best thing I could have ever done for her... It takes empowered women to raise empowered girls, and that is what belly dance does!
Here's to my amazing sisters! I love you all!